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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Child Labour - Child Miners

"The change starts within each one of us, and ends only when all children are free to be children." - Craig Kielburger, Free The Children

Children should be playing baseball, soccer, gymnastics or at school learning algebra not working in mines. However, millions of children around the world work in damaging and hazardous industries like forestry, brick making, charcoal burning, mining and explosives manufacture.

On a daily basis, some of these children die, fall ill with industrial diseases or are injured by accidents. Even if they survive, each day's work significantly reduces their life expectancy.

Statistics show that there are over 300 million of these children across the globe. They are not fortunate enough to experience the life of a normal child. In extremely harmful environments like mines, fields and quarries, under very harsh conditions, they work and dig for ridiculously low wages which are usually less than a dollar. They are deprived of a childhood and basic freedom.

Again, more than one million of these children work in mines and quarries. This is one of the most dangerous forms of child labour – exposing children to severe occupational hazards.
Moreover, this is child slavery. We have to do something to eliminate these hideous acts because there is nothing worse than the exploitation of children, and it breaks me to pieces to think that they might never experience a real childhood or the beauty of life itself. WE have to end this.

A lot of people look me in the eyes and say “Mariam, no one can change the world.” my response has and will always be “just because WE think WE can't change the world doesn’t mean WE can’t make a difference.”

Many times, I have been called a leftist, a liberal freak and everything in between. But what they fail to understand is that, this is not about me. This is about children being treated in the most awful ways.

WE all have a heart and a brain. I choose to give my heart out to these kids and my brain to think of ways to eradicate their pain.

This has brought about a tremendous change in my life. Never again can I continue living my normal life with what I know today. These children are not invisible and if they are to you then I will keep on making noise and bringing this to your face until they become visible; until WE all acknowledge and do something about their appalling conditions.
They are as real as reality can ever get. They have rights to education, to expand their imagination. They have the right to be free!

The website which I plan on dedicating to this cause is still under construction. Nevertheless, you can Subscribe because I need YOUR help.
My goal, as of now, is to get the attention of as many people as possible. So please help me Raise Awareness. Forward this blog to everyone you know. Awareness is the first step.

Nelson Mandela once said,
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.
The more people know about the issue, the more people can help.
I encourage everyone to continue spreading the word. Making a difference starts with raising awareness.

Subscribe to this blog. Be part of the movement.


Plumbline said...

Now this is a very serious issue I just hope it doesn't end here..even here in Africa, children are being transported from neighboring West-African countries to Nigeria to function as 'house-helps'.In most cases, one middle-man gets paid for all the labour the child undertakes and the parents only get what that middleman discloses....Trans-Saharan, Trans-Atlantic slave trade never ended, it only morphed..hmmn

Mariam Maude (Madame Presidente) said...

Jeff you are right. Child Labour is a very prominent issue with no easy solution.

Most children forced into it live in poverty and need to work in order for them to survive. They have little or no access to an education, and find themselves trapped in the hands of their employers.

I promise you it doesn't end here. I am going to keep on raising awareness in any way I can think of. With your help, WE can make a difference.

Lets help these children.

Hit me up with any thoughts or Ideas.

Sweet Sensei said...

We've got to do more than just create a blog or website. we've got to do something about it. We have to get to the root of it.

What could 'It' be ? Poverty ? Illiteracy ? Lack of education ?

What can we do ? We CAN do SOMETHING. Something minimal would help. Many minimal things build up into something that makes a difference.
Let's all contribute to drives for the removal of poverty, or start one of our own.
Let's contribute to funds that lead to the development of educational institutes.
There are children, children who want a chance. We need to give them that chance.

Very well done Madame President. We'll back you up on this journey.

Unknown said...

I am thrilled that people with such minds are emerging. The internet is a power medium through which the ball of CHANGE can be set in motion. In response to what jeffery has alluded to, WE ARE ALL partly contributing to child labor in the way of house helps, house-boys and such. I have on occasion spoken out against this to various members of my family and the arguement that ensues is that, the children are actually being provided with a 'better quality of life', while i dont entirely denounce that statement i do think than one should take the children to school then if one were really serious about providing a better quality of life. If the parents of these poor children are really short on money and food then perhaps they should be the ones being the house helps or the house-boys. We should be ashamed of oursleves. As parents, surely they should be out tirelessly trying to bring something into the household not sending their children out while they sit at home.

We are the first to condemn the whiteman for the slave trade, well perhaps we should really reflect because yes the brutal and inhumane capturing and enslaving of africans and indians has been abolished, but the slave trade is without question still in action. Indeed, the slave trade is alive and well, and flourishing. It has only taken a new name, child labour. What are we doing about this?

How would we like it if it were us being sent out to the mines, or to some strangers house to look after their house and children when we are still in need of care ourselves? God Help us!

April 17, 2008 11:26 AM

Atta said...

this is unjust , the world should not turn a blind eye to this..

Unknown said...

the only way to solve this issue is by educating both the parents and the children, even if we cant change the world this doesnt mean we cant make it better. you have my full support mariam maude. we all hope for the best

MSence said...

once i saw episode of oprah show she went to ruwanda to see the child miners it was so touching & i feel like i want to cry but i said al-hamdolelah for everything

Sweet Sensei said...

Hey I though would share this: there is a book called "Child labor: A textbook for university students"

It Provides a comprehensive picture of child labour: what it is, the causes and issues, and how various actors can combat it. Gives the texts of the ILO Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138) and Recommendation, 1973 (No.146), the ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182) and Recommendation, 1999 (No. 190), and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990). Includes a glossary, reading list, and relevant internet resources.

PS - Your blog is turning into a valuable information portal. Keep it up.
I suggest you should make a section or write an article with a list of books that people interested can get their hands on.

I filled up the suggestion form, but as you din't get back to me, I wasn't sure you got it.

Anonymous said...

Mariam, I'm so proud of you for starting such an amazing blog. You are not even a mom and yet so are so compasionate towards these kids. It is refreshing to see young people like your self stepping up and raising your voices to a problem that many of us don't even think about.
God bless you and wish you the best.
Please let me know if there is anything I could do to help.

Love you,

Plumbline said...

Hafsalyma, I appreciate the fact that I havena been alone in the campaign..

Mariam, y'know if the press could be permitted to do an exclusive video on it, maybe it will go a long way...if we can get Benin to close their borders, but you know what? those that want to buy cars from Benin will mos def frustrate International media, as much as I hate to leave it to them, is one excellent option

Anonymous said...

now y'all r smart. jeffery yeah most househelps in nigeria are slaves lets not even joke about it. but the fact of the matter still remains that most parents know that is what there children are going to do. but then poverty i guess makes people do crazy things. we need people that can actually come and form an organization that will help raise the next generations. because we are the generation that will make way for the better future.


Mariam Maude (Madame Presidente) said...

@ Sweet Sensei - Thanks for the contribution. You have helped add even more information to the portal ;)

I have put up the link to the book in the "Researches, Literature and Journals" section. I advice all interested to go read this book. It has all you need to know about Child Labour.

And regarding your previous post; like I said to Jeffrey, it doesn't end here. It's not just creating a blog and leaving it at that. I intend on going as far as it takes!

By learning more about the issue and why it still persists, I believe we will eventually get to the root of it.

Yes! Its is a combination of Poverty, illetracy and lack of education.

Atleast this is a starting point. Raising awareness and educating people about the issue.

As of now, we should focus on contributing and eventually with the support of other organizations we could start our own. But ya knaw we have to take it One Step At A Time! One Day At A Time!!

As far as contribution goes, I have posted a link to organization like "Free the Children" and "Oprah's Angel Network" and others alike. So anyone interested in donating funds can contact them. Like I stated earlier on the other post, I am getting a list of Orphanages, as soon as am done, those interested can contact them directly and make any donation or contribution.

They deserve a chance, we have to give it to them.

Thank you for all your support.

Mariam Maude (Madame Presidente) said...

@ Jeff: Bruv do we have to wait for the press? For how long? It has been happening under their noses, they are well aware of it and yet no journalist or reporter gave an "exclusive" a tot.

I'm thinking, if properly planned and executed, we could cover it and then distribute it to the media - and yes, we should definitely include the western media. What do you think?!

Cars or Children - Cars or Children - Cars or Children... Hmmmm, I'm thinking children!

Even if the borders won't close completely because of trades n ol then the governments should provide adequate security measures to restrict movement. But then all the security or watever - are all corrupt! - **Nigeria jaga jaga**

Anonymous said...

this is very sad!how can people be soo heartless...these kids deserve a future..they r suppose 2 b in skul learnin nt going out in d mines doin all sorts of dangerous stuffs...maryam thnx 4 bringin this 2 our attention..we ol hav a part 2 play in stoppn matter how little...

Sistah Sistah said...

The question is, when it comes to the get down, will all of you join in and do what ever it takes?

And I don't think the western media is as frigid as you guys are making sound.

Plumbline said...

@ Sistah they ain't frigid..only that at times their definition of News varies...

@ Maryam,u have a point, it's been happening under their noses..but shoving it right thru those noses shd sting them enuff 2 act..u know, either ways, we need d media..people tend 2 believe everything that makes it to print or TV..
@ cover it, we'd need people that are willing 2 talk,y'know, it's gonna be investigative journalism and most of those cats are the culprits themselves..but just like media got attention to the Niger Delta, even though the problem is far from being over, we can get the press to pay attention..but just like u said, we need more than tips..maybe some interviews from the victims, and from their Parents who as said, are culpable in this case...we have to do The Whole 9 Yards!

mseek said...
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mseek said...
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mseek said...

Child labour is barbaric and cruel. These children are put in horrific conditions to work 1. when it's against the law and 2. they're not even being paid. I was amazed at how awful it was to force a child of 5 to work. Being a child is for playing, having fun and laughing I hope the rescued children can now live in happiness.
Madame President thank you so much

Anonymous said...

Mariam, you have done a good job. I just got the chance to settle down and read your blog. Infact U have set the fir in me burning. You know how passionate I am about things like this..
I think we've had enuff complains.. its time 4 action.

Even though I have already done a profile of your story with the Child Labor stuff on my online magazine, I think I can still do more. I think we could raise funds to do a very comprehensive documentary. One that is very touchy and passes the message accross. We could host it on Youtube and direct as many pple as possible to it. We could also upload it on CNN's i-Report and write Oprah to run it on her show.
Child Labor can be eradicated people.. Mariam has set the ball rolling. We just need the right people to see things the way they are.
If the world uses the percentage of the effort it uses in fighting terrorism to fight Child Labor... I bliv it would be a thing of the past in a short while...

Meanwhile..Mariam...I am looking for the link to the Niger story..You should post it here...I saw it on facebook once..but didnt really have time to read thru...

Be rest assured that I am with you all the way on full cylinders on this one..

PS: Y'all can see Maryams Story on my online magazine @

Good Work

Usman Oshifueme Imanah
Development Report Magqazine

Anonymous said...

Mariam, you have done a good job. I just got the chance to settle down and read your blog. Infact U have set the fir in me burning. You know how passionate I am about things like this..
I think we've had enuff complains.. its time 4 action.

Even though I have already done a profile of your story with the Child Labor stuff on my online magazine, I think I can still do more. I think we could raise funds to do a very comprehensive documentary. One that is very touchy and passes the message accross. We could host it on Youtube and direct as many pple as possible to it. We could also upload it on CNN's i-Report and write Oprah to run it on her show.
Child Labor can be eradicated people.. Mariam has set the ball rolling. We just need the right people to see things the way they are.
If the world uses the percentage of the effort it uses in fighting terrorism to fight Child Labor... I bliv it would be a thing of the past in a short while...

Meanwhile..Mariam...I am looking for the link to the Niger story..You should post it here...I saw it on facebook once..but didnt really have time to read thru...

Be rest assured that I am with you all the way on full cylinders on this one..

PS: Y'all can see Maryams Story on my online magazine @

Good Work

Usman Oshifueme Imanah
Development Report Magazine

Mariam Maude (Madame Presidente) said...

@ Mseek - We haven't rescued any child "yet" .... but we are working towards it. And thanks to u too for the support.

@ Usman- Thank you so much. You are right, I ain't a fan of complaining as well.
I don't want us to keep complaining, I want us to make it right.

Regarding the documentry - u have just scratched the spot that has been itching us. Jeffery and I have been trynna explore that option along side petitions.

Raising funds for the film is a great idea. I am really down with that, I would hit jeffery up and see where he's at on this one.

Apart from Youtube, CNN and Oprah; "Al Jazeera" is another giant deeply concerned ova these issues. Not forgetting "Free The Children" organization as well.

I believe it can be eliminated,that's why am calling on people to come togther and fight for the cause.

Here's the link to "Project Niger" -

I am glad to have you on board. God bless your soul:)

Brother Jawanza said...

The conscious must continue to Fight evil with committed fervor! Every citizen should actually do it too as it is a part of being a righteous human being but they don't. We must carry on though, come what may!

Keep Fighting Sister Mariam!

Brother Jawanza

Cybermales said...

Love your posts..!!

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